2020. In the light of the factors that characterised the year, we spent more and more time working remotely from our home offices. As the year progressed, we felt a growing need to balance time spent in the digital environment with fun activities that rest the eyes, relax the brain and provide valuable self-reflection time. We read books, exercised, drew, did arts and crafts, played whistles and different board games. Undoubtedly, such activities helped to keep our holistic natures in homeostasis.
As time went by, this led to a sincere desire to share our lifestyle concept with others who share similar values. Our aim is to live a better life collectively. It was this journey of personal growth that led to the birth of ARTiK – a series of framed art puzzles – in spring 2021.
It is our humble vision that ARTiK puzzles will offer everyone the opportunity to re-discover many of the core values of being human. So that there is also reason to celebrate small achievements. Enjoy beauty, create and strengthen bonds. To add balance and structure to an increasingly fast-paced world, and thereby relieve stress. Even if you’ve never solved a puzzle… don’t we all solve at least one of them in our lifetime? More on this in the future though. Thank you for being mindful.
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